Thank you PayPal for sponsoring this post. Visit PayPal to give the gift people really want this season: money!
It's that time of the year again! Holiday cheer is everywhere: fireplaces are burning, hot cocoa is brewing, scarves are flailing in the cool winter air. Most importantly, it's the time of year where we spend it with those we love most, our family and friends!
However, finding the right gift isn't always the easiest thing to do especially for Aunt Margaret who lives on the other side of the country you've only seen every three years. Have no fear, PayPal is here to save the holidays, and is it is by far the best gift to give this holiday season!
With PayPal P2P, you can securely send and receive money with family and friends using just a phone number or email address between PayPal accounts. Be it food for Friendsgiving, the taxi to a holiday party, or that group gift for Mom and Dad, there are many reasons to use PayPal P2P payments this holiday season.
Holiday gifts are great, but the reality is, many of them are just going to be re-gifted or hidden in the back of a closet. Yet even though we’re all thinking it, it can be a little awkward asking for money as a gift so you can buy that bag you really want. The good news: You are not alone! PayPal’s 2017 Holiday Money Habits study found that money is the most-wanted gift for the second year in a row, and 52% of Americans wish they could ask for cash instead of traditional holiday presents this year.
Wanna get a little more creative with your PayPal gift? You can send a PayPal P2P digital greeting by simply logging into your account on, select Send Money, enter the recipient’s contact information, designate the amount, click the gift box, select your favorite greeting, personalize with a message, and send. The funds go right into their PayPal account; if they don’t have an account, they can quickly open one for free.
To learn more about PayPal’s holiday offerings, go to:
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.