Thank you to Living Juice for helping me start off the year right! Last year, I went into work just two days a week at the office and just those two days of sitting in an office chair a week caused me to gain ten pounds! I wanted to start of 2018 at my optimal weight so a juice cleanse was a perfect way to start off the year right.
Cleanses are great for your body because they give your stomach, liver, intestines and other organs a rest. Your body gets the opportunity to detox and the juices provide ample nourishment. A proper juice cleanse will leave you feeling more energized and feeling lighter and brighter! It also helps to prevent diabetes (type 2). Other benefits are that you should feel sharper, less bloated, and healthier. Your immune system will be stronger, you should have better digestion and any inflammation should be reduced.
With the Living Juice cleanse you can opt to do the cleanse for just one day or for three, five or even seven days. Each day consists of 8 today juices, featuring 4 different flavors.
Green Vitality: is a green juice that gives you lots of energy and features kale, cucumber, lemon, celery, fennel and parsley.
Fresh Start: this was by far my favorite juice, including lemon, apple and ginger. It works to balance your ph and is has a light ginger punch!
Red Radiance: includes strawberry, beet and apple and features tons of fatty acids and vitamins.
The first day of a cleanse is always the hardest but by the third day I definitely felt some of that natural high that you get from cleanses! I felt so inspired by the 3-day cleanse that I continued for another 4 days of fasting. I'm proud to report that I've lost 10 pounds! Now I'm newly addicted to spinning classes to maintain all the weight that I lost!
Check out Living Juice, who provided me complimentary juice for this review.